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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

One Tricycle Ride Away

It was two days before the board exam. I was hoarse from shouting inspirational mantras from our review center's last day of final coaching in Aliw Theater. After the program, my friends decided to visit a nearby church to seek the help of every spiritual aid we could. It was also dark, rainy and slippery and after our trip, I was absolutely exhausted and stressed, and also with that jittery nervous feeling of confronting the face of death that Saturday.

But I have one more stop to go to before I collapse in a useless pile of anxiety in my bed. Your house. Because it's your birthday. And I wanted to be there for your simple celebration, just to show I remembered, and I care.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

There Is No "He"

"I don't want to do this anymore."

You whisper as the tears start to fall down your cheeks, wiping off your foundation like a melancholic tidal wave. What do you do when the hurt, the wishes and the yearnings are too much to bear? The feelings and the words that you have longed to say have been bottled up for too long that it is now rushing out with selfishness and haste. Never mind the years you have spent together, you've had more than enough. And even though you know the words will hurt him, you say it still.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Conversations: Falling From Midair

"Do you love me?"

"Of course."

"Do you really?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"I want to know what we are." 

Dear Diary, Part 2

Dear Journal,

And yes, you are a journal and will never be called a "Diary" for the term implies absolute feminism it's embarrassing to hear from a grown up man much less know that somebody with a Y chromosome is keeping one. I'm sorry for keeping you a secret but I have a reputation to protect. I know you don't understand but it's perfectly fine since you're an inanimate object that I am writing on and thus have no actual feelings.
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R.N. Pianist. Writer. Professional Procrastinator.

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